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  • Writer's pictureRachel Moon

A Holiday Gift Guide Designed to Help Your Child Reach Their Speech Therapy Goals (2023 Updated):

Level 1

These gifts are helpful if your child is beginning to demonstrate:

  • Cause and effect concept development

  • Early fine motor skills

  • Functional play skills and imitated functional play skills

  • Ability to follow simple 1 step directions with visual and verbal models

Level 2

These gifts are helpful if your child is beginning to demonstrate:

  • Pretend play skills

  • Ability to independently follow 1 step directions

  • Ability to follow simple 2-3 step directions with visual and verbal models

  • Use of longer utterances for a wider variety of pragmatic functions (commenting, requesting, terminating, questioning, etc)

  • Ability to answer simple "what/where/when" questions

Level 3

These gifts are helpful if your child is beginning to demonstrate:

  • Ability to follow more complex 2-3 step directions

  • Increased attention span

  • Ability to answer a variety of abstract "what/where/when" questions

  • Turn taking and development of cooperative play skills

Level 4

These gifts are helpful if your child is beginning to demonstrate:

  • Development of appropriate sentence structure through questioning

  • Social skills

  • Inferencing and problem solving skills

*The above links are Amazon affiliate links

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